Advertisement from the June 26, 1958 edition of The Marcellus News
June 26, 1958: The Volinia 4-H Club softball team, county champions for two straight seasons, is pictured above ready for action in their new uniforms bought by themselves out of their club treasury. Their season opens June 11th and the boys on the team are pretty “fired up” and determined to make this their third winning season.
The boys participating have all had more than one year of 4-H work (except for the ten year olds) and they range in age from ten to twenty years of age.
The boys won county championships in 1956 and 1957, and in 1957 captured the district title, in which they beat out teams from six counties. They were later edged out in state competition. But this year, with new uniforms and more confidence, they are determined to “go all the way.”
Pictured in the top row, from left to right are: Lyndon Etter, manager and group leader; Donald Huff, Joe Derick, John Rutherford, Ronald Swartz, Arlen Swartz, Terry McKenzie, and Harvey Rutherford, assistant coach.
Bottom row, left to right: Larry Etter, Bernard Abbott, Jim Rutherford, Lynn Etter, Dick MacKellar, Kenny MacKellar, and Paul Rutherford. Marvin Abbott (not pictured) is also a member of the team.
Miss Kathy Barrett Chosen as 25th Annual Bluegill Frolic Queen – June 20, 1968
Miss Kathleen “Kathy” Barrett, 17-year old Marcellus High School senior, was chosen 1968 Bluegill Frolic Queen at the 25th annual Queen Pageant held in the school cafetorium Saturday evening, June 15.
Kathy is the daaughter of Mrs. Velda Barrett of 185 South Jones Street, Marcellus.
She was presented with the traditional bouquet of roses by the 1967 Frolic Queen, Shirley Wolfe. The crowning ceremonies will take place during the evening program Friday, June 28.
Runners-up in the competition were Alida Churchill (left) and Judy Bainbridge (right).
Alida Churchill, age 17, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Churchill, Route 3, Decatur. She was a member of the 1968 graduating class of Marcellus high school.
Judy Bainbridge, age 16, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bainbridge, Route 3, Marcellus, and is a Junior at Marcellus high school.
Named Miss Congeniality was Sally Klein, 18 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Klein Route 1, Marcellus. Sally was also a member of the 1968 graduating class of M.H.S. She was presented the tophy by Paula Cooper, Miss Congeniality in the 1967 contest.
Others who participated in the pageant were: Amy Claridge, Linda Green, Marcia Hirshey, Deborah Medd, Cathy Oesstrike, Marsha Saidla, and Sherry Townsend.
The young ladies were judged on poise, personality, carriage, charm and beauty, as well as their ability to answer questions. Judges were: Gwen Goddard of the Goddard Dance Studio, Lawton; Robert Dool, Cass County Sheriff, Cassopolis; and Bert Athey, owner of Fantacy Coiffures, Kalamazoo.
Entertainment for the evening was furnished by the Johnson Sisters, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Route 1, Marcellus; Jim Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mason, Cedar Lake, Marcellus; and students of the Goddard Dance Studio, Lawton.
Master of ceremonies, Dr. Robert W. Mulvihill, kept the program moving smoothly, while Roy Jones of Elkhart, Indiana, provided organ music throughout the Pageant.
Pages included: Steven Lewis, Dave Rentfrow and Tom Ingersoll. Ushers were: Suzanne Cleveland, Mary Fett, Laura Bair, and Debbie Mann.
The committee for this year’s Pageant was made up of the following area ladies: Mrs. David Gearhart, Mrs. Judy Guarisco, Mrs. Gary Holmes, Mrs. Maurice Hyman, Mrs. Cordell Jones, Mrs. Richard Kahler, Mrs. Tom Klein, Mrs. Melvin Middlestadt, Mrs. Robert Mulvihihll, Mrs. Carl Reuter, Mrs. Howard Saidla, Mrs. Harley Saidla, MRs. Charles Schliesman and Mrs. Burke Webb.
In charge of make-up for the contestants wre: Mrs. Fred Bloom, Mrs. James Carlton, Mrs. Charlene DeWeerd, Mrs. Karl Diethrich, and Mrs. Richard Reigle.
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