President Pro Tempore Welburn called the regular meeting of the Marcellus Village Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on February 13, 2024, in the Marcellus Village Hall. Trustees present: Markle, Engstrom, Haley, Webb and Thomas. President Irwin was absent.
Motion by Thomas, supported by Markle, to approve the agenda with the following addition:
– Under President’s Report – Add Item D. Chief Olsen Email Communication.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Webb, supported by Thomas, to approve and place on file the minutes of the January 23, 2024, Regular Meeting, and the February 6, 2024, Special Meeting, as revised. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Haley, supported by Engstrom, to authorize the payment of bills in the amount of $207,288.28. Roll call vote – Ayes: Webb, Thomas, Haley, Engstrom, Markle and Welburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Thomas, supported by Markle, to receive and place on file all items on the Consent Agenda. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
President’s Report
Act 51 Street Administrator’s Mileage Certification
Motion by Markle, supported by Engstrom, to approve the Street Administrator’s Mileage Certification map provided by MDOT and authorizing the Street Administrator to sign and return the map to MDOT. Roll call vote – Ayes: Markle, Engstrom, Webb, Welburn, Thomas and Haley. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Village Manager/Clerk 2023 Evaluation and Contract
Motion by Webb, supported by Haley, to approve a four-year contract agreement, as revised with Jacqueline Terrill, Village Manager/Clerk effective February 13, 2024. Mrs. Terrill received an excellent seven-year review on in 2023, and no wage increase was issued at that time, as budget numbers and details of a new contract were being reviewed. The Village Manager/Clerk will receive a $5.33 per hour annual base salary increase effective February 13, 2024, retroactive to her employment anniversary date, with an annual increase of 4% per year, beginning May 10, 2024. Benefits will continue as per current practices, except that the current 10% contribution for the employee portion of health and dental/vision policies will be paid by the Village; a monthly reimbursement for use of her personal phone, and bonus potential, to be determined when triggered upon the awarding and acceptance of grants that cover administrative fees. Roll call vote – Ayes: Welburn, Markle, Haley, Thomas and Webb. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Cary Thompson Quote – MAESA AFG Grant Application
President Pro Tempore Welburn shared a quote from Cary Thompson in the amount of $2,000 for the application to the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters (AFG) grant program. MAESA has requested that the Village of Marcellus and Marcellus Township assist them with payment for the grant writer on a 50/50 basis. Markle moved, supported by Thomas, to reimburse MAESA for one-half, i.e., $1,000 of the cost to hire Cary Thompson for grant writing services. Roll call vote – Ayes: Thomas, Markle, Engstrom, Webb, Haley and Welburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Chief Olsen Email Communication
Village Council members discussed the February 13, 2024, email communication from Chief Olsen and the need for funding emergency services on the State, County and Local levels. The discussion was rescheduled to February 27, 2024, Village Council meeting so that Council members will have time to research and learn more about funding needs.
MSHDA CHILL Program Application Submitted
Manager/Clerk Terrill reported that Sarah Ayers has submitted the Village’s grant application to the MSHDA CHILL Program. MSHDA will review the applications and should announce results to Local Units of Government by March 1, 2024.
Kruggel Lawton 2023 Audit Engagement Letter
Motion by Markle, supported by Thomas, to approve the proposal and authorize the signing of the Letter of Engagement for audit services with Kruggel & Lawton CPA for the 2023 Audit of Village funds, F-65 filing and Act 51 reporting in the amount of $11,250. Roll call vote – Haley, Webb, Engstrom, Welburn, Markle and Thomas. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Faith Plastics Trenching/Cleanup Approval
Motion by Thomas, supported by Markle, to approve the installation by Faith Plastics of a containment trench and basin in the Village-owned building occupied by Faith Plastics. The trench and basin will capture any oil not first captured by a “drip pan” and will drain into the 250-gallon catch basin and emptied on an as-needed basis. Roll call vote – Ayes: Haley, Engstrom, Thomas, Welburn, Webb and Markle. Nays: None. Motion carried.
McKenna Firm’s Proposal for Joint Training Session
Manager/Clerk Terrill shared a proposal for a Joint Training Session for Village Boards and Commissions that will help participants better understand their roles and responsibilities, best practices and highlight ways the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals can become more effective and efficient in decision-making. McKenna proposes to conduct the in-person training for a fee of $900.00. Markle moved, supported by Engstrom, to approved the training with McKenna at the proposed price for the in-person training session and to schedule a Special Joint Meeting of the Marcellus Village Council, Planning Commission and DDA on March 5, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Roll call vote – Ayes: Engstrom, Welburn, Markle, Webb, Thomas and Haley. Nays: None. Motion carried.
January 2024 DPW Report
Motion by Markle, supported by Thomas, to receive and place on file the January 2024, DPW Report. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried,
Yellow Dump Truck DOT Inspection
The DPW Superintendent received a list of repair items for the Village’s yellow dump/plow truck. These items include the following items:
1. Tie rod ends
2. Small hole in exhaust
3. Fuel leak at injection pump area
4. Left rear brake
5. Multiple hydraulic leaks
6. Power steering hose/gearbox leak
The truck did not pass DOT inspection and the DPW Superintended is working on quotes for repairs.
Menard’s Wood and Hardware Purchase for RAP Project and Parks
Motion by Thomas, supported by Markle, to approve the purchase of wood and hardware for DPW construction of eight picnic tables, six for the park included in the Revitalization and Placemaking project and two for placement in another Village Park, at a cost of $940.16. Roll call vote Ayes: Welburn, Engstrom, Thomas, Haley, Markle and Webb. Nays: None. Motion carried.
MRWA Training for Two DPW Employees
Motion by Engstrom, supported by Markle, to approve Landon Hackenberg and Michael Clark’s attendance at the following MRWA training sessions at a total cost of $1,470.00 for the following online training classes
1. Hackenberg S4 Water 360.00
2. Clark Limited Treatment D 360.00
3. Clark and Hackenberg One Day Math Review (195.00/ea.) 390.00
4. Clark Lagoon Operations 360.00
Roll call vote – Ayes: Markle, Webb, Haley, Thomas, Engstrom and Welburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Clark and Hackenberg EGLE Testing
Motion by Markle, supported by Thomas, to approve Landon Hackenberg and Michael Clark’s attendance EGLE testing for water distribution and water limited treatment exams and lagoon operations at a to-be-determined date and site and at a cost of $70.00 per exam. Roll call vote – Ayes: Engstrom, Webb, Markle, Welburn, Haley and Thomas. Nays: None. Motion carried. each.
Planning Commission – Zoning Hearing for Zoning Map Correction
Planning Commission Chair James R. Thomas, Jr., reminded the Village Council that the Commission will hold a Public Hearing on February 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of correcting the recently updated Zoning Map.
Motion by Markle, supported by Thomas, to adjourn at 8:13 p.m. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion passed.
Jacqueline A. Terrill
Village Manager/Clerk
Dennis Irwin
Village President
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