President Irwin called the regular, joint meeting of the Marcellus Village Council and the Village of Marcellus Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. on May 23, 2023, in the Marcellus Village Hall Fire Station. Trustees present: Markle, Engstrom, Welburn, Thomas, Haley and Webb.
Motion by Welburn, supported by Thomas, to approve the agenda as presented. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Webb, supported by Markle, to approve and place on file the minutes of the May 9, 2023, Regular Meeting. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Welburn, supported by Engstrom, to authorize the payment of bills in the amount of $26,589.86. Roll call vote – Ayes: Engstrom, Haley, Irwin, Welburn, Webb, Thomas and Markle. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearing – Planning Commission – Master Plan
President Irwin turned the meeting over to the Planning Commission at 7:07 p.m. The Planning Commission left its regular session and opened a Public Hearing for the Village’s updated Master Plan. Planning Commission Chair James R. Thomas, Jr., and other Planning Commission members shared a final draft of the Master Plan, noting updates and compliance with RRC requirements. In addition, the Parks and Recreation Committee officially approved the updated Parks and Recreation Plan. After leaving the public hearing and returning to open session, the Planning Commission approved the updated Master Plan and turned the meeting back to the Village Council at 7:26 p.m.
Master Plan
Motion by Irwin, supported by Welburn, to accept and approve the Master Plan after making minor corrections and updating the approval date to May 23, 2023, for both the Master Plan and the Parks and Recreation Plan. Roll call vote – Ayes: Haley, Markle, Irwin, Thomas, Welburn, Webb and Engstrom. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearing – Drinking Water System Project Plan
Motion by Irwin, supported by Engstrom, to move into a Public Hearing for a Proposed Water Drinking Water System Project at 7:29 p.m. Roll call vote – Ayes: Engstrom, Markle, Webb, Haley, Thomas, Welburn and Irwin. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Frank Renaldi, of Wightman & Associates, Inc., shared a PowerPoint presentation on the updated DWSRF Project Plan for the Village’s Water Treatment Plant Improvements, and Village Council members discussed the need for the project. The Plan includes the following project scope for the 2021 DWSRF Project Plan:
Project Plan:
• Division 3 – Water Treatment Plant, which was not awarded during the last round due to reductions in scope after project bids came in well over the initially estimated costs due to scope changes and material shortages.
• For Optimum Performance of Existing Facilities
• Water Main Replacements on North, Elm
and Monroe Streets
• Village-wide Water Meter Replacements
• Metering Station for Blue Gill Estates
Need for Project:
The Village has 1930s cast iron water mains which have reached the end of their useful/service life. North Street, Elm Street and Monroe Street all require replacement to avoid critical failure.
There is a history of water main breaks on Monroe Street. North Street and Elm Street that are of the same material and vintage as Monroe Street.
A new water meter was purchased for Bluegill Estates, it requires a new metering station to allow temporary bypassing of the meter for future maintenance. New water meters are also in need of replacement elsewhere in the Village at all service connections due to the discrepancy between billed water and pumped water causing a loss of revenue.
Filtration was added to the water treatment plant around 1967 and the filters and pumps are near the end of their useful life as evidenced by a rust-through failure in one of the filters. The majority of critical components of the WTP are in fair to poor condition and are scheduled for replacement and/or repair within this project’s planning period. If these improvements are not performed within the proposed work, the result would be emergency repairs at higher cost and could result in improper filtration causing violations of Maximum Contaminant Levels in the water system. The water supply contains high levels of arsenic; therefore, filtration may not be bypassed during construction of the proposed replacements.
After discussion and opportunity for public comment, of which there were none, Markle moved, supported by Thomas, to return to open session at 7:52 p.m. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Webb, supported by Engstrom, to submit a full application and supporting documents, along with copies of the Plan to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’ for consideration for funding of the project, and, upon receipt of a grant/loan offer, engage a bond attorney, complete the design engineering, take construction bids and close the EGLE loan. After the loan is closed, construction of the proposed project should begin, and the Village will work with Wightman to ensure all EGLE requirements are met. Roll call vote – Ayes: Haley, Webb, Engstrom, Markle, Thomas, Welburn and Irwin. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Frank Renaldi – Dibble Street Storm
Frank Renaldi updated Village Council members on the Dibble Street Storm project, informing the Council that he will request a quote from Balkema for a change order to the water project for non-participating project costs for soil erosion and sedimentation control for stormwater management on East Dibble Street near the post office. The Council will have a chance to review the project costs to determine whether to move forward with the work.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Webb, supported by Irwin, to receive and place on file all items on the Consent Agenda and to accept with thanks for her service, Patricia Buckhold’s resignation from the DDA Board. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
President’s Report
Lake Shore Recycling
Village Council members again discussed the Village’s contract with Michiana, now Lake Shore Recycling, and the recent elimination of recycling services in the Village and directed that the Village Manager/Clerk request a representative from Lake Shore Recycling to attend the June 13, 2023, Village Council meeting.
Water Treatment Plant Distribution Pipe
Motion by Irwin, supported by Engstrom, to approve the purchase of a three-foot section of pipe for the repair of the treatment plant’s corroded distribution pipe from Etna Supply of Grand Rapids, Michigan at a cost of $499.20. Roll call vote – Ayes: Webb, Irwin, Thomas, Haley, Markle, Engstrom and Welburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Webb, supported by Engstrom, to authorize the Village Clerk/Manager to pay the delinquent taxes, outstanding utility bills not yet posted to taxes and, after the warranty deed has been filed, to send payment to Bobby Bidawid in the amount of $16,017.10 for the Tailgater building, up to a total of $30,000, with half being reimbursed by the Marcellus DDA. Roll call vote – Ayes: Welburn, Irwin, Thomas, Markle, Haley, Webb and Engstrom. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Clerk’s Report
Records Retention and quotes for Document Shredding
Motion by Welburn, supported by Irwin, to authorize the hiring of Rapid Shred of Grandville, Michigan for off-site pick up of documents for confidential shredding/destruction at a cost not to exceed $610.00. Roll call vote – Ayes: Irwin, Webb, Welburn, Haley, Markle, Engstrom and Thomas. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Employee Lunch June 6, 2023
Motion by Welburn, supported by Irwin, to authorize the closing of the Village Hall from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30p.m. for an employee appreciation lunch paid for by the Village President, Village Manager/Clerk and DPW Superintendent. Roll call vote – Ayes: Haley, Markle, Engstrom, Welburn, Irwin, Thomas and Webb. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Welburn, supported by Thomas, to adopt clarify language in item F. of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Village and the DDA, which was approved by the Village Council on December 10, 2020. It is the Village’s intent that the 50%/%0% split of rental payments continues for an indefinite period, or until such time as the Village Council should wish to make other arrangements. Roll call vote – Ayes: Haley, Markle, Webb, Welburn, Irwin, Engstrom and Thomas. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Janitor and Crossing Guard Positions
Village Janitor and Crossing Guard Brittany Kuhse has found full-time employment and is no longer able to fulfill her duties as a Village Janitor and Crossing Guard. President Pro Tempore Welburn as indicated his willingness to serve as janitor until the Village can hire a replacement.
Motion by Irwin, supported by Haley, to advertise for the open janitor and crossing guard positions and to hire Ronald Welburn as part time janitor until a replacement is found. Roll call vote – Ayes: Thomas, Markle, Engstrom, Irwin, Webb and Haley. Nays: None. Motion carried. President Pro Tempore Welburn abstained.
PROTEC Membership
Motion by Welburn, supported by Haley, to approve Village membership with PROTEC, A Michigan Coalition to Protect Public Rights-of-Way, by advocating for citizen/local control over public rights-of-way, and their right to receive fair compensation from telecommunication, gas and electric companies that use public property. The cost of membership is $.125 per resident and Marcellus’s dues beginning July 1, 2023, will be $134.25. Roll call vote – Ayes: Thomas, Engstrom, Haley, Webb, Welburn and Irwin. Nays: Markle. Motion carried.
Personnel Committee
DPW Employee Michael Clark 1-Year Evaluation
Trustee Markle reported that DPW Employee Michael Clark received a favorable one-year evaluation and is eligible for a 75-cent per hour increase according to the Village’s resolution for scheduled wage increases. Markle then moved, supported by Irwin, to approve the scheduled raise. Roll call vote – Ayes: Markle, Thomas, Irwin, Haley, Welburn, Engstrom and Webb. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Markle, supported by Engstrom, to adjourn at 8:48 p.m. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion passed.
Jacqueline A. Terrill
Village Manager/Clerk
Dennis Irwin
Village President
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