President Irwin called the regular meeting of the Marcellus Village Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on May 28, 2024, in the Marcellus Village Hall. Trustees present: Markle, Engstrom, Welburn, Haley and Webb. Trustee Thomas was absent.
Motion by Engstrom, supported by Haley, to approve the agenda with the following additions:
• Under Clerk’s Report – Add item H. DWSRF
• Add item 13. Personnel Committee
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Webb, supported by Markle, to approve and place on file the minutes of the May 14, 2024, Regular Meeting as presented. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Haley, supported by Engstrom, to authorize the payment of bills in the amount of $227,963.82. Roll call vote – Ayes: Webb, Markle, Haley, Irwin, Welburn and Engstrom. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Webb, supported by Engstrom, to receive and place on file all items on the Consent Agenda. Roll call vote – Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Manager/Clerk’s Report
MSHDA – MI Neighborhood Grant Program – Reservation of Funds Memorandum
Motion by Irwin, supported by Welburn, to approve and authorize the Village Manager/Clerk’s execution of the MSHDA MI Neighborhood Reservation of Funds Memorandum, which reserves funding for rehabilitation of owner-occupied and rental units and a public amenity in the amount of $469,217. Roll call vote – Ayes: Engstrom, Haley, Welburn, Irwin, Webb and Markle. Nays: None. Motion carried.
L-4029 for Levying of 2024 Village Taxes
Motion by Webb, supported by Haley, to authorize the maximum levy permitted by law and return the completed L-4029 form, Cass County’s required questionnaire to the Cass County Equalization Department following the endorsement by the Village President and Clerk and direct the Village Treasurer to levy the 2024 Village taxes as authorized, being a General Fund levy of 8.1507 mills, $164,045, and Street Fund levy of 4.3808 mills, $88,170. Roll call vote – Ayes: Webb, Markle, Irwin, Haley, Thomas, Engstrom and Welburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Tax Reverted Property
The Village Council discussed the May 15, 2024, Tax-Reverted Property email notification letter from the office of the Cass County Treasurer and decided it is not interested in the listed property. Motion by Webb, supported by Markle, to have the Village Manager/Clerk respond in writing to the Cass County Treasurer stating the Village of Marcellus is not interested in purchasing the Tax-Reverted Property offered in her email. Roll call vote – Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Oath of Office Legislation – Re: December 1
Manager/Clerk Terrill shared a Michigan Municipal League email dated May 15, 2024, which announced that the Oath of Office Legislation has Cleared the House Elections Committee on May 14, 2024. House Bills 5699, 5700, 5701, and 5702 would amend the Home Rule City Act, Home Rule Village Act, and Michigan Election Law to state that all terms of city, village and township officers elected following December 31st of 2024 must not commence earlier than December 1st at noon going forward. The November 20th date in the General Law Village Act will also be amended to reflect December 1st moving forward. The bills were voted out of committee and are now on the House floor.
Wellhead Protection
Village Council members discussed the Village’s Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP) and concerns regarding potential future contamination in this area. The program as promoted on the State of Michigan, EGLE Source Water Protection page, “assists local communities utilizing groundwater and surface water for their municipal drinking water supply systems in protecting their water source. This program minimizes the potential for contamination by identifying and protecting the area that contributes water to municipal water supply source. A source water protection program also includes management strategies to reduce contamination risk, contingency and new source planning, and public education and outreach.” The Village’s WHPP, renewed in 2020, defines the goals of the WHPP, includes information on the hydrology of the area, and interpretation of depth to water measurements and results from aquifer performance testing; information that was used to develop a groundwater model that delineates the 10-year groundwater contribution zone for the Village’s wellfield. The plan identifies known sites of environmental contamination and out6lines options for managing the WHPA and surrounding areas. These options include both regulatory and non-regulatory options such as public education and cooperation.
Also discussed was the new knowledge obtained regarding placement of solar panels in the WHPA just outside Village limits, in Marcellus Township and what options the Village must get cooperation in protecting the public water supply from potential future contamination. A public hearing for site plan review is scheduled for June 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Marcellus Township Hall. Some members of the Village Council and the Village Manager/Clerk will attend the meeting to request consideration of the Village’s WHPP and its desire to protect the public water supply. Irwin moved, supported by Welburn, to notify Marcellus Township, its Planning Commission and the solar company, which appears to be Steelhead Solar, of the Village’s desire to protect the wellhead and, ultimately, the public health of those who are both Village and Township residents at the same time, who rely on the Village’s public water system. Roll call vote – Ayes: Markle, Engstrom, Welburn, Webb, Irwin and Haley. Nays: None. Motion carried.
DWSRF 2025
Motion by Markle, supported by Welburn, to approve the submittal of the required confirmation of scope and project information, along with a new DWSRF Priority Ranking Worksheet and Overburdened Community Status Determination Survey for the Marcellus DWSRF Intent to Apply for FY 2024 to EGLE by the June 1, 2024, due date. Roll call vote – Ayes: Irwin, Engstrom, Haley, Markle, Welburn and Webb. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Meter Bases
Motion by Irwin, supported by Welburn, to approve the purchase of up to six water meter bases at a cost not to exceed $1,800. Roll call vote – Ayes: Markle, Welburn, Webb, Engstrom, Haley and Irwin. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Truck & Trailer Specialties – Quote for Subframe on Chevy 1-ton Dump Box
Motion by Irwin, supported by Engstrom, to approve the repairs quoted by Truck & Trailer Specialties, of Dutton, Michigan, to the 2009 Chevy 1-ton dump truck to replace the existing hoist subframe rails with a new one, due to the subframe being rusted and broken, at cost of $1,438. Roll call vote – Ayes: Engstrom, Haley, Irwin, Welburn, Markle and Webb. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Personnel Committee
Utility Clerk 2023 Employee Evaluation
Motion by Engstrom, supported by Welburn, to approve a one-time payment to Utility Clerk Kim Henritzy for hours worked between May 13, and August 22, 2023, at 75 cents per hour as retroactive pay from her employment anniversary date and date of annual evaluation through the effective date of her 75 cents per hour raise on August 22, 2023, for a total amount of $314.98. Roll call vote – Ayes: Haley, Webb, Irwin, Welburn, Welburn, Markle and Engstrom. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Markle, supported by Engstrom, to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion passed.
Jacqueline A. Terrill
Village Manager/Clerk
Dennis Irwin
Village President
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